
The Art of Living

A weekly newsletter on philosophy, psychology, sobriety, and more.

Self comparison

What I’ve Learned From Harmful Self-Comparisons

Prefer to read this on Medium? Here’s the link. Not long ago, I felt totally underwater at work. However, I found an unexpected source of reassurance, which I want to share with you today. Perhaps you can relate: it felt like there weren’t enough hours in the day. I just couldn’t focus. I had so many ongoing projects and conversations that I didn’t know where to start. I work in technical support, so the main measure of my output is the number of customer questions (or ‘tickets’) I reply to...
Rules for life

Why we need rules for life (and where to find them)

Prefer to read on Medium? Here’s the link. Modern society is becoming less religious, and while I’m not religious, I fear that we’ve thrown the baby out with the bathwater. For generations, religion has provided moral guidance to believers, shaping the wisest, bravest, and kindest people to have lived. This isn’t surprising - there is excellent wisdom packaged within religious teachings. Having said that, I can understand why religion is falling out of favour in the scientific era. This is...
Sober socialising

A Guide To Sober Socialising

This is a guide to help you stay sober in boozy situations. Specifically, this is for people who want to fly under the radar, avoid scrutiny, and keep the atmosphere relaxed and cheerful. This guide will equip you with a selection of tactics and responses to handle the inevitable questions you’ll get when attempting to stay sober. Wait, isn’t this just pandering to other people? Valid question! You don’t owe anyone an explanation for why you’re not drinking, and if they ask, they should be...
White text on green background saying "MENTAL VS EMOTIONAL"

Mental health vs emotional health

I had no idea that there was a difference between mental health and emotional health. Now that I’m aware of the difference, I can see why I was confusing them. I thought things like stress, anxiety, burnout, depression, and low self-esteem all go bundled into the same area: mental health. But that’s not true. So, what’s the difference, and why does it matter? Mental health The term ‘mental health’ refers to disease-like states such as schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder. Mental health is about...
The Art of Living

The Art of Living

Welcome to the first edition of The Art of Living. Every week, I draw on the cleverest minds both past and present to share tips on: Finding meaning in the modern world Staying calm amidst chaos Slow and purposeful productivity Today, I'll tell you about the inspiration for the title of this newsletter: a young Jewish girl who perished at the hands of the Nazis in 1945, aged just 15. Yes, this newsletter is influenced by the one and only Anne Frank, who wrote with the wisdom of an ancient...

A weekly newsletter on philosophy, psychology, sobriety, and more.